At the inauguration ceremony for Bangladesh’s new nuclear power plant, the Prime Minister says that Russia will take responsibility for the disposal of the radioactive waste (15 July).
Analysis of Chinese public opinion notes that most Chinese people either trust that the nuclear waste problem can be solved, or they simply don’t care (3 July).
Report on research by Chinese scientists that inhibits water transport of radioactivity in waste stored in a GDF (2 July).
India’s Supreme Court grants a 4-year extension until 2022 for the construction of a required radioactive waste and spent fuel storage facility (4 July).
Replying to a Parliamentary Question, Indian Government reveals there have been no radiation leaks in past three years, and that India’s multi-barrier protection systems are in line with international best practice (16 July).
Report on the problem of safe disposal of medical radioactive waste that needs specialised management (2 July).
In an editorial, leading newspaper Asahi Shimbun urges caution following the decision to decommission Japan’s nuclear reprocessing plant. It worries that “drums of radioactive wastewater are piled up in a disorderly manner in the spent fuel pool.” However, the newspaper notes the national opportunities and interest in handing down “experience and expertise concerning the business of nuclear decommissioning to future generations.” (1 July).
Government commits to training and developing 800 experts in decommissioning and radioactive waste management, to ensure the country’s nuclear fleet can be safely decommissioned and waste disposed of (23 July).
Short report on an annual “pilgrimage” walk in South Korea calling for the dismantlement of all nuclear power plants and facilities as well as the safe disposal of nuclear waste (7 July).
Taiwan still cannot find either a domestic or international solution to the disposal of its low-level radioactive waste (3 July).